Got up and hiked up to Temple 26, Kongōchōji. The walk up was pretty and there was a nice statue of Kobo Daishi.
The walk back to the road by a different trail was very steep. Total walking distance was about 3km and the blister was really hurting. Also, the shin was definitely grinding when we were done.
On the good side, I found a nice rest stop for cars by the bus stop that has a store, bathroom, and wifi, it's not too cold, and the view is nice. I sat there for 4.5 hours doing things on my phone, people watching, and looking out to sea. The was an older ohenro-san there begging so I gave him some money.
Got on the bus and about 1/2 to Minshuku Tonohama where we were staying, Katherine got on. She walked for a bit with Sawako, but didn't want to push it with her foot issues.
You can see a map of my tracks here (you may have to refresh the page after a minute to get it to show). If you have Google Earth, it is faster to download a Google Earth file of my adventure from here.
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