Tuesday, February 27, 2024


My name is Ski and this is my little part of the internet.  The blog name and URL, skikangae, merges 'ski' (me) and kangae which in Japanese means 'thoughts'.  I plan to use this site to post about items that interest me about life, the universe, and everything as Douglas Adams would say.

I grew up on a small hobby farm in a small logging town of around 700 people in the Cascade foothills of Washington State.  I left the state for college and was educated in physics.  I returned to Washington State and found work in the, then new, field of system administration back in the mid-1980s.  I worked at a very large company for around 10 years, then spend another 8 years chasing the big payday with startups (no luck), before spending around 19 years working for a school district.  Along the way I was fortunate to meet many wonderful people and be part of the transition from large mainframe computers to the current cell phone computers.

I retired from work in 2023 and when not traveling, I split my time between USA and Japan.  I love to teach and am an adjunct professor at Bellevue College in their Cybersecurity BAS program.  In the USA, I volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, the local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), the Issaquah FISH group, and enjoy hiking.  In Japan, I love to walk and explore the local cultures and cuisines.  I am fascinated by, what I consider, the coming tsunami of changes due artificial intelligence and climate disruption.  My feeling is that the quote 'may you live in interesting times' will be very applicable over the next few decades.

If you want to get email anytime I post something, please Contact Me and I will add you to the email list.  I hope you enjoy reading skikangae.




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