You can walk, ride a bicycle, take tour, use transit, or a car to complete the pilgrimage. You just need to visit all 88 temples.
- Car: Can complete in 2 weeks, but minimal interactions with the local people other than hosts assuming you stay at Minshukus and not business hotels. A common way to do it for many Japanese.
- Taxi Tour: Like a car, but rent a taxi and driver to take you to all 88 temples or do it in sections. We saw a few groups doing this.
- Bus Tour: Aimed more at devout Buddhists as they often have a guide to lead prayers at each temple. Can do in 2 - 3 weeks depending on the tour.
- Cycling: Can do in 3 weeks. Same as cars and tours in that minimal interactions with local people. There is also a Cycling Tour.
- Walking: Takes 42+ days and is considered the 'real' way to do it by many people as this is how the pilgrimage was done historically. It is also the only way where you really get to experience the best parts of the pilgrimage - the encouragement and Osettai with local people.
In addition many people will do it in sections during their vacations. Only retired people or people who are between jobs tend to walk the entire pilgrimage at once due the time involved.
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