- Pilgrim’s white vest (hakui). This is real common and represents purity and innocence. In the past, it also represented a death shroud and symbolized that you were prepared to die at any time.
- Sedge hat (sugegasa). Useful to keep the sun and rain off you. Stamp book (nōkyōchō). At each temple, a priest will stamp and then write in the book. The one I have has drawings of each temple.
- Pilgrim’s staff (kongōzue). It represents Kobo Daishi who guides you on the route. In the past, it was used as a grave marker for pilgrims who died during the pilgrimage.
- Rosary (juzu). When one holds it with your hands together, it's said that the illusions of the mind will disappear.
- Stole (wagesa). This is made from silk and worn around the neck.
- Pilgrim bag (fudabasami). This holds your stamp book, candles, incense, nameslips, pens, and rosary.
- Name slips (osamefuda). You put your name, age, address, date, and wish on them. You put one in the nameslip box at the main and Daishi buildings at each temple. You also give them to people who help you out during the pilgrimage.
I ended up cutting the ring where my finger is pointing. Second, the ring has several sharp points. The fix was to use on Onsen towel as padding. The last problem was the gauze tie to hold the hat to my head broke within 30 minutes as it's windy. Tomorrow I plan to get a stronger strap or rope to make a chin strap to hold it on.
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